
BACKLASH | 1920-1922

The tumultuous years of the war and its aftermath saw a growing assertiveness on the part of indigenous, Black, and Asian Canadian communities as well as radical labour. White elites, however...

Chinese Canadian Club

The term ‘Chinese Canadian’ was first publicly used by the Chinese Canadian Club, which was established in 1914 in Vancouver and Victoria. Originally, it is a club that made up of a group of...

100 Years after The Chinese Exclusion Act: Reflecting on the Past, Embracing an Inclusive Future

There’s a great deal of anticipation in Greater Vancouver as the centenary of the Chinese Exclusion Act approaches. On July 1, 1923, the Parliament of Canada passed a law banning virtually all Chinese...

Spill the Tea: Gentrification of Vancouver Chinatown

Vancouver is consistently ranked as one of the best cities to live in. Multiculturalism and inclusivity are some of the most defining features of the city. Yet recently there has been a strong push...

Gim Foon Wong’s Motorcycle Ride Turned The Tide On Chinese Head-Tax Redress

Herb Lim, like Mr. Wong a Second World War veteran, was a close friend for more than 50 years. He remembers him as “a bit of a wild guy” who fought against anything he thought was wrong...

HerPower’s Gesture of Love to the Community

On April 5th, 2023, the core team members of HerPower Global Lady’s Club s visited YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association of Canada)’s office and donated $8888 CAD dedicated to YWCA’s Single Mother...

Fareed Zakaria Argues Against TikTok Ban: Addressing Concerns and Highlighting the Risks

Fareed Zakaria, a renowned journalist and commentator, argued against the proposed legislation to ban TikTok, acknowledging valid concerns about data privacy and national security. However, he also...

Senator Paula Simons:Remembering the racist Chinese Exclusion Act, celebrating Chinese Canadian stories

Sen. Paula Simons rises in the Red Chamber to speak to Sen. Yuen Pau Woo’s inquiry and draws attention to the horrific legacy of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Enforced from 1923 until 1947, the Act...

Senators Discuss Plans to Mark Anniversary of Chinese Exclusion Act

  Speaking at a news conference on Parliament Hill, Senators Victor Oh and Yuen Pau Woo announce plans to hold a national remembrance ceremony and other commemorative events to mark the upcoming...