What kind of culture should Canada preserve?


Chinese culture should be preserved in China — NOT in Canada India culture should thrive in India — NOT in Canada What should be preserved in Canada are the various cultures based on our founding peoples that developed in Canada, define what Canada is, and ONLY EXIST IN CANADA

Your perspective dismisses the rich tapestry of diversity that has been integral to building this nation. Canada is not merely a land of founding peoples; it is a land of immigrants united by shared values, mutual respect, and a vision of a better future.

When the Canadian Pacific Railway was built, Chinese immigrants endured harsh conditions, backbreaking labor, and blatant discrimination to connect this vast country from coast to coast. Their sacrifices physically united Canada and enriched it culturally.

Culture is not just about food, language, music, or traditions. It encompasses how we live and coexist, respecting one another’s differences while finding common ground.

Immigrants come to Canada not for Tim Hortons or hockey but for what Canada represents: democracy, the rule of law, personal freedom, and protection from oppression. These core values make Canada a beacon of hope around the world.

Multiculturalism does not mean living in isolated silos. It means integrating our unique identities into a shared Canadian experience. It is about taking pride in our heritage while committing to the collective values that unite us.

To suggest that preserving one’s culture conflicts with being Canadian is to misunderstand what it means to be Canadian. Canada is not weakened by diversity—it is strengthened by it. The values that draw immigrants here are the same values Canadians hold dear.

Respect for different cultures, religions, and traditions is not a weakness; it is a cornerstone of our national identity. Canada was built by people from all over the world who brought their cultures, ideas, and energy. That diversity is our strength. To deny it is to deny Canada itself.

Canada is at its best when we come together—not in spite of our differences, but because of them. We are a nation united not by where we come from, but by the values we share.



  • Ivan Pak is the co-founder and co-chair of Stop Anti-Asian Hate Crime Advocacy Group and Chinese Canadian Goto Vote Association. 




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