Senators Discuss Plans to Mark Anniversary of Chinese Exclusion Act


Speaking at a news conference on Parliament Hill, Senators Victor Oh and Yuen Pau Woo announced plans to hold a national remembrance ceremony and other commemorative events to mark the upcoming 100th anniversary of the introduction of the Chinese Immigration Act, commonly referred to as the Chinese Exclusion Act.

The events will highlight the discrimination and injustices against Chinese Canadians, as well as celebrate the accomplishments of Chinese Canadians. The federal government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act on July 1, 1923, in response to anti-Chinese sentiment. The Act banned the entry of virtually all Chinese immigrants to Canada except for four specific categories. The legislation was repealed in 1974.

Senator Woo recently cited the Chinese Exclusion Act while raising concerns about efforts to create a foreign influence registry in Canada. (March 16, 2023)

Senators Discuss Plans to Mark Anniversary of Chinese Exclusion Act 




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