
July 18, 2024   Disclaimer This submission does not intend to dismiss allegations of foreign interference; rather, we advocate for Canada to establish a systematic approach to prohibit foreign government interference. Part I – Introduction: About Stop Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Advocacy Group and Why We Submit Our Opinion The Stop Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Advocacy Group […]

Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Process and Democratic Institutions Submission by Stop Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Advocacy Group Read More »

  I am writing a personal submission to the Foreign Interference Commission in Canada in response to the public invitation to the commission. I am invited to make a written submission. I appreciate the Commission welcomes contributions from all public members on their experiences, observations, and ideas on foreign interference in Canada’s federal electoral processes

Submission to Canada’s Foreign Interference Commission by Ivan Pak Read More »

Few people have even heard of Bill C-70, yet the Liberals and opposition parties are hoping to ram it through without debate By John Price If passed, Bill C-70, the Countering Foreign Interference Act, could give Canada’s spy agency more power, potentially threatening freedom of expression and freedom of association, undermining due process in courts

Opposition to stampeding Bill C-70 through Parliament grows Read More »

Summary. How can U.S. organizations successfully tap into the talents of their Asian employees, helping them advance in their careers while also benefiting from the unique skills and perspectives this group has to offer? This article explores why so many Asian employees see their careers suddenly stagnate, and offers five actions organizations can take to

Stop Overlooking the Leadership Potential of Asian Employees Read More »

Findings paint a deeply concerning picture of society’s ongoing struggles with racism and hate, says report Authors of a new report on anti-Asian hate say their findings are an urgent call to action to address hate crimes, violence, and discrimination. Written by the Stop Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Advocacy Group Association of Canada, the report looks

Report on anti-Asian hate an urgent call to action, say authors Read More »